What!!! you ask, who said that? I am confident you would never hear the words "Spring is overdone, or over blogged" by many gardeners.
Spring is a time of beauty and rebirth, a time when serious gardeners are all a tingle, vibrating with the urge to plant, create and drink in the beauty of the new growth in their gardens.
Spring is a time of beauty and rebirth, a time when serious gardeners are all a tingle, vibrating with the urge to plant, create and drink in the beauty of the new growth in their gardens.

We simply can't help ourselves when it comes to taking photos of our blooms to share with others. If you are like I am, I take oodles of photos looking for the perfect one to display on my blog. Thank goodness for digital cameras, I simply would not have the patience to wait while my photos were developed, then finding some are not up to par.

Well, we are taking a few days off for a little R&R so I will be back on Monday. You all have a wonderful weekend.
El Cid is quite the handsome guy! Agree with you about digital cameras - I never could manage the f-stops and apertures or whatever. Point and shoot and away we go :)
Your spring garden is lovely. I had the same sentiment about digital photos this week. I take so many and so many of them end up in the recyling bin on the computer and I thought back to the way years ago we took our films to the shop to get developed and sometimes it took a week to get the photos back - and we had to pay for each of them whether they were blurred or not! Photography is far cheaper these days - and such fun. Have a great restful r & r.
But after the winter, we all deserve to blog about spring, and it's beauty don't we?
I love digital, no more deciding if the shot is worth it before clicking.
I think that it has made better photographers out of so many people.
Have a nice rest, see you next week.
I can't wait to see what you plant over the Hosta and how beautfiful the colors will be.
I hope you have a great weekend! Hugs, Gail
Everything looks so very cheerful: love all the blue. As for digital cameras, I am entirely on board. But maybe that's because my photography skills are minimal and I developed a lot of awful pictures.
Christine in Alaska
Lovely spring garden! I love it! I think I missed the beauty of spring. I got so busy!
I, for one am enjoying visiting all the lovely spring gardens from my autumnal home :) Your tulips are delightful! Tulips are just a bit too 'touch and go' to grow where I am, so I'm enjoying yours instead!
As a new blogger, I'm having a hard time this spring with photos from warmer climates of beautiful blooms weeks before the same daffodils and hyacinths and tulips appear in my garden! By the time mine come up I do feel as if I've seen a lot of spring already. Still wonderful, and never overblogged, but I have to learn to pace myself as I admire everyone's earlier flowers. Yours are lovely!
Look at your spring garden waking up! Beautiful!
Hi Jennifer~~ What I love most about digital photography is the RISK FREE factor. Shoot as many photos as your card can hold, delete the blurries on site... no waiting, no additional monetary output. The best of all worlds.
Have a nice getaway. Your garden and your readers will be here when you get back.
Your garden is lovely! I never tire of reading posts or seeing photos of all those wonderful Spring things. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love that striped tulip in your last post. This is the first year I have tried Rembrandts and so far they are all purple and white.
Do you know about SAGBUTT? Seattle Area Garden Bloggers United to Talk. We have monthly meetings at area gardens. Let me know if you are interested.
Like you I love being able to take so many photos and then have the luxury of sorting through them for the perfect one. What I'm finding a bit fun is watching Spring slowly make it's way through all the blogs.
Spring is intoxicating. Who can stop the color-drunk gardener from taking photo after photo? The digital camera has got to be one of the best inventions around. Instant gratification!
Beautiful post!! Your flowers are so colourful and lovely, especially El Cid. I can't get enough of spring, I don't think it canbe overdone or overblogged. ;)
Lovely celebration of spring, Keewee. No way will I ever get tired of hearing/reading others celebrate spring (and am doing the same here, too).
Yes, I am thankful for the digital way. I delete a lot, and should delete more. I love being able to keep track of when things bloom and how long they bloom and whether they end up getting crowded by another plant and such. Plus, I can take pics of all the critters and such and not worry about paying for each photo.
Things are looking great your way!
I vote for both for the trellis, by the way. It looks like a good size.
That picture of El Cid is fantastic! I almost want to try planting it next year here in FL.
Thanks for sharing. :)
I know what you mean about getting the perfect shot. Why did I take 17 pictures of three asparagus spears?!
Usually, when someone makes a funny comment that I like, I'll go check out their blog, but there was no link for Taylor, so I came here to say I love that comment about taking 17 pictures of 2 asparagus spears. I have done things like that. I see there is a link here, so I'll see if Taylor has a public blog.
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