I had been looking for a plant which grew tall and could stand some shade. As I read about the plant, on back of the label, I thought it may work for me.
From label: Tender perennial herb. Native to forest canopies of southern India: long, fragrant leaves. In sub-tropical conditions, loose flower panicles are followed by 3/4" fruit containing 14-20 edible seeds each. Grows 5-8 ' tall.
Yesterday, I was carrying a hummingbird feeder into the house to clean and fill it with fresh juice, when a Rufous hummingbird flew right up to me and proceeded to sip from the feeder I was holding in my hands. I was so startled I nearly dropped the feeder, but quickly got it together, and watched in awe as the little guy drank his fill. Where is someone with a camera when you need them?
Francesca is amazing! Primroses are so sweet this time of year...
Oh, I do like that primula - I would have bought it too!
Rare and unusual plants are wonderful. This primerose is so pretty. Love, love your Hummer story, how blessed!
Hi Dr. KeeWeelittle! Are you related to Dr. Doolittle? What other animals besides hummingbirds and rabbits eat out of your hands?
I love your primroses. That new one is fabulous, and the foliage is cool, too. I should try one again. It seems like I have before without much success.
I hope your weather warms up soon.
How neat is that - that the hummer wasn't frightened. You have a lovely assortment.
WOW...I wish I could have seen a hummingbird come up so close to me;-) That's really amazing Jennifer! Your lime green with yellow center primrose is amazing, and so unique. What a collection you have!
Love the primrose - I would have had to have it too!
The humming birds must be very tame, or perhaps you looked like pretty flower in the garden!
Green primrose? Never heard of it, but it's fabulous! I just filled my hummingbird feeders for the first time, can't wait to see visitors. Hopefully soon!
Your new primrose looks like a vegetable one would eat! A conversation piece for sure.
How thrilling that must have been to have the hummer eating right out of your hand! He must have been really hungry to be so tame with you holding the feeder…
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