Such a pretty bloom to have a not so nice name.
The plant is called Skunk Cabbage because of the malodorous, distinctive "skunky" odor that it emits. This odor will permeate the area where the plant grows, and can be detected even in old, dried specimens. It may have been because it was a rainy day or the fact that I was up wind, that I did not detect a "skunky" odor from this plant.
The foul odor attracts its pollinators, scavenging flies and beetles. Other common names include Yellow Skunk Cabbage and Swamp Lantern.
What a lovely and unusual looking plant. It resembles the Cala Lily, except for the center bit that looks like corn on the cob. What a shame about the nasty odour. I know the white Daisies will start smelling like a pile of stinky socks forgotten in a corner(hee hee), but I have no idea how this lovely plant will "pong" if left standing in a vase, in the living room !!
With this comment I will leave you with the sweet scent of the GINCO tree. :-) :-)
I love this plant too. They grow all over the damp woodland here in Connecticut. I've transplanted one to my little pond and hope it might bloom this year.
Oh you've got those too, eh? Stinky and pretty all at the same time!
Hi, Keewee! Thanks for your comment on my little blog the other day. Spring is in full swing here, and the famous cherries are blooming, as are the lovely tulip magnolias.
What an interesting flower on the skunk cabbage -- I don't think I've ever seen one live and in colour! I'll be back soon.
Looks like a Calla Lily on steriods!
Never seen the blooms before, very cool! In the old days hunters would smear skunk cabbage onto them and the deer could not detect their scent. Now days I think we are too vain to do this.
Jennifer, This is the loveliest photo of Skunk Cabbage I've ever seen. Maybe if it is indeed odorless, you can propagate it and call it 'Jennifer' and gardeners the world over will want to grow it. That would be awesome, wouldn't it?!
It's beautiful KeeWee! I rarely see it in gardens around here but I've admired it forever in gardening magazines (especially the English ones ~ it seems to be much more popular there??) So great you grow it. I should look into whether or not it would grow here (zone 5) another early bloomer would be awesome. Happy Easter!
Oh yes, I agree, it's too pretty for that rather offensive name. Swamp Lantern does sound marginally better, doesn't it?
That's a beautiful one! I keep looking around here but haven't seen any yet, though I think they are up already.
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