My sweetheart built this fabulous 20 x 20 foot, fenced garden for me March 2008. The deer and rabbits can now only dream about the luscious veggies growing inside.
I am still continually learning how to grow vegetables and think this year will be my best yet. I have spent countless hours on the Internet, reading other gardening blogs and books, on the best way to grow vegetables, what fertilizers and soil requirements are needed for the various vegetables and how to deal with insect damage.
I am still continually learning how to grow vegetables and think this year will be my best yet. I have spent countless hours on the Internet, reading other gardening blogs and books, on the best way to grow vegetables, what fertilizers and soil requirements are needed for the various vegetables and how to deal with insect damage.

The center squares (left) have Gladioli and Marigolds in them.

I also have pots of flowers. Here are vintage white & rose Stock surrounding a Dracaena.

Borrettana Cipollini onions are doing better than last year,
as are the Lancelot leeks.

are growing like crazy. I am
very pleased with my efforts
this year.

On the outside of the garden fence, I have created a small bed to grow three ornamental gourds. As they grow they will be able to climb the fence. I use old panti-hose to support the heavy gourds as they ripen.

Today I planted six burpless Cucumbers, and surrounded them with a tent of protective row cover to keep them warm until they are established.
Tomorrow I will find a place for three Eggplant, and fertilize the other vegetables.
Jennifer, your vegetable garden looks and sounds very impressive! Such a variety! Supports, protection, companion plants - you thought of everything! I have many volunteer calendulas which usually grow among tomatoes. As for the deers, they might show up here, ha-ha, since there is no fence in my place!
Hi KeeWee, your vegetable garden is beautiful. It's so neat! And while it's not a big garden, I am impressed with the variety there is.
I would love to see how it turns out. Happy gardening! ;)
What a wonderful gardner you are Jenn. The garden looks very good and your use of space is so practical. I am so full of envy!! I know it has taken a lot of work but I am sure it will be paying off real soon in delicious food right to your table. Gail
Your garden looks wonderful!I don't have a deer proble.I have an armadillo problem! They tear up everything!
Hi KeeWee, you have every spare inch cultivated and planted up!A great selection of veg and flowers growing.
Looks like a very nice setup, KeeWee. I like the way you've put some pretty pots put around. I'm thinking of doing that this year with some herbs that I want to overwinter inside.
Whoa! Impressive veggie garden. The deer/bunny deterrent devices make it look more like a prison yard for plants! I'm totally impressed with your garden.
What a lovely and well ordered garden! Deer are not such a problem here as are field mice, slugs...and of course the camel, lol! Kim
Hi, I'm about to set up my own garden and am wondering about details of yours. Looks like your individual beds have some fencing, and then the entire enclosure is fenced too? What kind of fences did you use? How high? Is the top enclosed too? Looking forward to seeing your progress!
Pelly, I think what you are seeing inside the fence, are not more fencing around the beds, but the frames I have for beans, cucumbers peas etc.
Our outside fence is 7' high, a nice sturdy wooden frame, with deer wire. I did have to add, on the inside,a 18 inch high chicken wire barrier to keep the baby rabbits from squeezing through the other fencing. It all works as i do not have any problem with deer or rabbits. The top is not covered as there is no need.
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