Kia hora te manno Kia whakapapa paumamu te moana Kia tere te Karohirohi
May the calm be widespread May the sea glisten like the greenstone And may the glimmer of summer dance across your pathways
Monday, May 03, 2010
Turn your back and they will grow
Saturday morning 7am, there wasn't even a bump on the top of the potting mix, indication any emerging Morning Glory. But when we arrived back from our weekend away, having a blast (pun intended) this is what I found. Actually they were a tad shorter, as I was too darned tired to take pictures last evening.This is my first effort at Morning Glories, and by all accounts, they are easy to grow, and so far, that seems to be true.
I love Morning Glories..they are so easy and are so full of color. Your really will have them forever in youir garden after this summer. In our previous home I planted some to grow on a tipee type trelis and they grew so well they actually reach over about 4 feet and climbed a limb of my nearby tree and climbed the entire height of the tree. It really was a beuatiful site. They made a wonderful archway into my little garden. Enjoy their beauty for me! Gail
Yes, morning glories do sprout quite easily. If you plant moonflowers near them, you'll find at the end of the day when the morning glories close up for the night, the moonflowers pop open.
Congratulations on your seedlings, and extra kudos for 'not' having to do anything to get them to grow;-) I actually planted several different color packs, weeks ago...and not a seed has come up. I even soaked the seeds beforehand...but I think the problem may be that the seeds were marked to be used in 2009. Over the weekend I bought a new pack and plan to plant some more. In certain areas, their wild enthusiasm and out of control growth will be welcomed! Just hope we pick the 'right' areas;-)
Oh boy, in the Pacific Northwest where I live I would get into big trouble planing morning glory. It literally grows like a weed here and is considered intrusive. The flowers are pretty though. I have lots of work keeping up with my passion vine. I didn't realize how intrusive it can be. It actually has grown into my garage. I have to move some things to figure out how it is getting in...
Easy peasy for sure..then you shall have little seedlings popping up all over next year.
They are very easy. They will also run like mad. Keep them on a trellis. Haven't planted mine yet. Gotta get a move on.
I love Morning Glories..they are so easy and are so full of color. Your really will have them forever in youir garden after this summer. In our previous home I planted some to grow on a tipee type trelis and they grew so well they actually reach over about 4 feet and climbed a limb of my nearby tree and climbed the entire height of the tree. It really was a beuatiful site. They made a wonderful archway into my little garden. Enjoy their beauty for me! Gail
Yes, morning glories do sprout quite easily. If you plant moonflowers near them, you'll find at the end of the day when the morning glories close up for the night, the moonflowers pop open.
Congratulations on your seedlings, and extra kudos for 'not' having to do anything to get them to grow;-) I actually planted several different color packs, weeks ago...and not a seed has come up. I even soaked the seeds beforehand...but I think the problem may be that the seeds were marked to be used in 2009. Over the weekend I bought a new pack and plan to plant some more. In certain areas, their wild enthusiasm and out of control growth will be welcomed! Just hope we pick the 'right' areas;-)
I wasn't so lucky with them. Your thumb is greener than mine!
Wow, they look like they are off to a flying start! I might have to get a packet of them to try next spring :)
I love morning glories clambering up an arbor or fence. You are doing great. I love the title of your post too.~~Dee
Oh boy, in the Pacific Northwest where I live I would get into big trouble planing morning glory. It literally grows like a weed here and is considered intrusive. The flowers are pretty though. I have lots of work keeping up with my passion vine. I didn't realize how intrusive it can be. It actually has grown into my garage. I have to move some things to figure out how it is getting in...
Uh, yeah. Ditto Darla. I am STILL digging seedlings from five years ago. Crazy plant. Lovely when in bloom though. Enjoy!
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