There hasn't been hardly any days for the past two weeks where we didn't have some rain, and the plants have loved it.
I didn't have much luck with cucumbers last year, but I think I am heading in the right direction this time as the plants are looking so healthy.
Our rabbit, Bun, is going to be happy with all the kale I have grown for her.
Some of the tomatoes have blossoms, and if this year follows what happened in 2009, then I will have more than enough tomatoes.
The peas have started to flower and I am hoping to have a bumper crop like I did last year.
Judging by the spurt of growth from the lettuce, we will be having salads every day, and Bun will be getting her share. The wild rabbits and the compost, will also benefit from the harvest.
Bring on the cream and ice cream, our strawberries are getting fatter by the day and some are even beginning to ripen.
There are lots of little mushrooms growing in the dampest areas. This one holds a little pool of water in it's cap.
This rose was planted by a previous owner and is un-named.
Crown Sunset.Just love the color of this snapdragon which returns year after year.
Wow! If I won't be so lucky with my vegetables this year, I will need your address!
Hi Jennifer~~ I heard on the news tonight that this is the first May in 15 years where we didn't have one 80 degree day.
As tired as I'm getting of the clouds and rain, it beats lugging the hose around and sweltering and running the fans to stay cool. And the plants are obviously very happy as your photos attest. What I've noticed most are the trees. They seem to be spreading wider by the day which I love because it will mean more shade when/if it ever does get hot.
I like your mesh under the strawberries. Good idea. I've already thrown away a few icky ones.
Nothing like a daily dose of vitamin G! Your veggies are looking the snaps myself.
Jennifer, everything looks wonderful, and that Kale is gorgeous. I have a new lettuce in our garden, 'Merlot', and it is gorgeous. Hopefully, hopefully, the forecast is correct in that there will be sunshine in the Willamette valley by Saturday. Hallelujah, if that occurs. Yes, I love the rain, but three weeks of downpours is a bit much??
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