As I was on my knees, camera set to take closeup photos of the Hellebore, this little guy/gal hopped right up to me and almost had it's nose on the lens of the camera. Who can resist such a cute furry face. I admit that I feed bread to four rabbits every morning, and they are not afraid to come up to me. Whenever Mr C. or I go outdoors there will be rabbits hopping from all directions looking for a handout. The one in the photo we have named baby, as it is the smallest in the bunch and the most friendly. The other day I was out in the garden, when I felt something on my pant leg, I looked down, and saw Baby standing on it's back legs, front feet on my leg, looking up at me with the most cute begging look in it's eye. Yes I know I am a pushover, but I like the critters in our yard, except of course if they eat my plants, but practically everything in the gardens is fenced, so there really isn't much of a problem.
Your Primroses are so colorful for this time of year. I am so anxious to see some color emarge from the ground but I imagine I will have to wait till we are back in Washington state!
I love the photo of the bunny. Gail
KeeWee what a pretty primrose and the colors are so welcome this time of year. Love your hellebore too.
The primroses are beautiful, so delicate almost like roses in appearance!
I must watch our garden centre here to see if we get some of them. Some vibrant colour after the dullness of winter is more than welcome.
I'm a sucker for a cute furry face also. They are too sweet.
If you go back to the garden centre look for the brilliant yellow single flower primroses, they are exceptionally fragrant also. Hardier, and seem to be descended from a species primrose.
Love primroses too! Will have to look for some. I bought a yellow scented primrose at Home Depot a few weeks ago. The scent is nice, not sure if I can plant it outside it was inside the store. We have one primrose in the garden that is at least 10 years old and it blooms well.
Are you sure your name isn't Snow White...lol! Are they pet or wild bunnies? I'm so jealous of your hellebores! That's a beautiful color of primrose, too!
The Primrose looks so pretty, I don't think I've noticed a scented one before.
I would have a very hard time resisting that cute little bunny face!
Hi Jennifer,I think I remember when you were showing on your blog the photos of your fence going up, if I'm not mistaken? So, now you can feed the little critters and not worry that they'll destroy your crops...so, why not?! I can't believe they actually put their paws right up on you, standing as a puppy would to it's owner! How cute. I admire your hellebores and have been wondering if mine are starting to do anything...we've had so much snow on the ground that I haven't had the chance to find out yet!!!
Oh I LOVE!!! Pink primroses and purple hellebores and a bunny wabbit ~ gorgeous post. So glad I found you again - you're going on my blog list again right this mintue xxxx
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