Kia hora te manno Kia whakapapa paumamu te moana Kia tere te Karohirohi
May the calm be widespread May the sea glisten like the greenstone And may the glimmer of summer dance across your pathways
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Jack Frost hasn't been here yet
Some places in the garden are looking very forlorn and bedraggled, while in other areas there is still color.
The volunteer Nicotiana is still flourishing.
And there are still blooms on several of the geraniums. This weekend I must pull these plants to make them ready for over wintering.
I am still able to pick small bunches of sweet peas.
I suppose I should make the effort to pick the last of the tomatoes and make chutney. Perhaps this weekend I will feel like getting the job done as I really hate to see these beauties go to waste.
Two of the largest gourds are going to remain where they are until spring.
Scarlet runner beans drying on the vines for seed to be planted next growing season.
Don't you just love the hardy Nasturtiums? They just keep on producing pretty flowers.
I feel lucky not seeing Jack Frost since reading about so many people that have seen him and snow already. Those gourds are great, I really need to try growing them sometime.
Hi Jennifer~~ It's nice to see that gardens are still producing flowers thanks to the pleasant temperatures. I remember one year we didn't have frost until January. Wouldn't a repeat of that be great? I've got tomatoes to pick too. I don't want them to fall to the ground and rot or I'll have a trillion baby plants next year.
Jennifer, hello! This weekend will likely be the last of our tomatoes also... tonight's forecast 38. A few more fried green tomatoes may be in our future. ;)
We are still waiting for Jack's first visit too - hope that it is a while yet before you see him :)
I feel lucky not seeing Jack Frost since reading about so many people that have seen him and snow already.
Those gourds are great, I really need to try growing them sometime.
My nasturtiums are going strong too. I have the Alaska variety. Yes, all the rest of my bloomers are nipped.
I am amazed at how long your gardening season in. Everything still looks great!
Your garden looks great. Seems to be doing well.
Lovely garden, Love your tomatoes, hope you manage to harvest them before they go frosted.
Hi Jennifer~~ It's nice to see that gardens are still producing flowers thanks to the pleasant temperatures. I remember one year we didn't have frost until January. Wouldn't a repeat of that be great? I've got tomatoes to pick too. I don't want them to fall to the ground and rot or I'll have a trillion baby plants next year.
You still have plenty going on. Love the gourds...
Still looks like summer there. Good idea to leave the gourds in situ. They are amazing things for sure.
Jennifer, hello! This weekend will likely be the last of our tomatoes also... tonight's forecast 38. A few more fried green tomatoes may be in our future. ;)
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