When taking cuttings, I always dip the ends in rooting hormone before planting them. I seem to have a greater success rate of the cuttings taking using this method. Once the cuttings are growing and are starting to fill the pots, they are then transplanted to the next larger size pot.
Well aren't you smart? This is a great way to have more plants ready come spring!
Having a makeshift greenhouse in the basement is such a smart idea.... ~bangchik
Brilliant!!! I have only attempted coleus cuttings... you have a ton of variety here. What is your medium? Do you mix it yourself?
Most smart. And it reminds me I need to get my cuttings soon!
Hi Jennifer~~ Bravo!! I love this, although I'm a little ashamed because my process isn't quite so sophisticated. Some of my greatest successes have been Agastache and Salvia. The newer cultivars can be pretty pricey which is ridiculous because they're so easy to propagate. And then there is my Lythrum--supposedly a real thug but a non-invasive beauty in my garden. It roots easily so I can have more clumps and more is better. LOL
I've been thinking about trying this... you've definitely inspired me to get moving on it. -Jackie
I'm going to try and root some lantana. That is, if I can remember to get it before the first frost this year.
You have a makeshift green house?
Does it get adequate light?
great to see your preparedness. good luck!
Rosey Pollen, the mix I use is seed starter mix I just happen to have several bags of.
Urban Green, yes I have plenty of light to make the little cuttings happy.
What a great idea! Simple and great! Do you think a garage will be OK? We don't have a basement.
I'm so jealous! I have never been good at growing things indoors. I probably water them too much.
Wow, you are very talented! Growing from cuttings sure isn't easy and it looks like all of your little babies are coming along just fine. Great job!
Hi Jennifer~ What a great idea! I may have to copy your idea for a mini greenhouse of my own. Thanks for sharing it.... it gave me some ideas. Hmmmmm.
Tatyana, you need plenty of bright light, no direct sunlight, to get cuttings growing.
When I'm going small batches of cuttings, I like to use big gallon ziplock bags -- throw some moist media in the bottom, stick the cuttings in, and seal -- works great to keep humidity high while they are growing roots.
Cool! I hope they do well in there!
Jennifer, you're thinking waaaay ahead of me...lol. Nice system on the mini greenhouse!
I love your system. Lots more plants come spring!!
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