We have progressed from this....
To this
To this

And finally the first raised bed is in. I had seven 8 inch tomato plants sitting on my kitchen table, waiting for the first raised bed to be constructed. Last night, MrC made this one, and when I arrived home from work earlier this afternoon, I proceeded to get the bed ready for the tomato plants. I plan on laying down several thick layers of newspapers, covered in straw or some such material, between the raised beds. Take notice of the brightly colored tomato cages. There will be nothing boring about my new vegetable garden.

As we do not have the fence surrounding the garden finished, I have used a plastic paint drop sheet to protect the newly planted tomatoes from rabbits or deer. hopefully we will have the garden fenced within the next week.
BeefSteaks?, BigBoys?, BetterGirls??? I can't wait to see how well they do! I'm going to 'plant' a coupe 3/4 in 5gl pots in my backyard MsKeeWee.
Good luck with your garden!
I have been square foot gardening for years. It's nice because you can reach every spot without having to crawl around in the garden. And it's easier to enrich the soil.
We have critters in our yard, and a fence around the garden, but just to be on the safe side, I plant a marigold for each tomato plant. So far, and I've lived here 13 years, no intruders. My neighbors have all sorts of problems. So I don't know if it's luck or marigolds.
Good luck with your garden. I'll be waiting to see the progress.
It's such hard work to setup the raised vegetable garden... But I'm sure it will be worth it :O)
Look forward to seeing how things develop :O)
If you need any newspapers give me a call!! I have a closet FULL of them, getting ready to pitch them into the dump!!! WOuld love to see them on your garden!!
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