Really truly, I have been trying to catch up. Coming down with this crud the day we returned from our vacation, has knocked me for a loop, and it has been a slow journey getting back to finding the energy to pull weeds, read all your blogs and even to catching up on household chores (which can wait anyway).
Earlier in the week I would take my little step stool out into the garden to sit on, as I pulled a few weeds, I managed to spend about an hour pulling weeds before having to rest, but now I can play around much longer. I cannot stand to stay in bed when the sun is shining and there are things to do out in the garden, so I promised my honey not to overdo it, and spent many happy hours in my garden this past week, doing a little work then resting and talking to the bunnies and birds as they came by.Some of the critters are becoming semi-tame and come quite close to where I sit, as they realize I won't harm them.
Earlier in the week I would take my little step stool out into the garden to sit on, as I pulled a few weeds, I managed to spend about an hour pulling weeds before having to rest, but now I can play around much longer. I cannot stand to stay in bed when the sun is shining and there are things to do out in the garden, so I promised my honey not to overdo it, and spent many happy hours in my garden this past week, doing a little work then resting and talking to the bunnies and birds as they came by.Some of the critters are becoming semi-tame and come quite close to where I sit, as they realize I won't harm them.