This morning, my car turned into the garden center all on it's own. This seems to happen on a regular basis during gardening season. *chuckle*
Today I was going in to look for rhubarb plants, but instead, came home with two very nice blueberry bushes. For quite some time I had been considering growing a couple of blueberry bushes, as I am not too excited by the cost of fresh or frozen berries and I do love these berries on cereal, as jam or in a pie.
The little bit of research I had done on blueberry plants told me they were large bushes and would not be suitable for my 20x20 foot garden patch, so I had almost given up on the idea of growing my own berries.
Eric who is a friend, and also happens to be a very knowledgeable employee of the garden center, happened to walk by when I was looking at rhubarb plants. We had a discussion about rhubarb, then I mentioned how much I would like to have blueberries but the bushes were too large. I was ecstatic to learn there are dwarf varieties of blueberries and arrived home with the two varieties Eric suggested for my plot.

Of course, you know, I will have to make another trip to the garden center, for the rhubarb I forgot in my excitement over finding the blueberry bushes.