A cool crisp, winter's day, greeted me early this morning, as I poked my nose out the front door to check on what the day may bring. Today, I thought to myself, will be the time to get some cleanup done in my gardens.
At eight thirty, warmly wrapped against the coolness of the morning, I started in on cleaning up the garden. As I worked on cutting back all the dead stems of plants which had gone dormant for winter, and pulling some of the weeds, the pale blue wintry sky, started to deepen into a darker shade of blue, as the sun rose higher in the heavens. The sun was so beautiful, and felt so warm on my back, after all the gray dreary days of the past few weeks, and it wasn't long before I had to remove my jacket.

Along the back side of the carport is a garden spot which is somewhat protected from the cold winds, where afternoon sun warms the soil. The plants in this small garden are among some of the first to bloom come spring.

So for now, the garden is looking neater, and I deserve to rest for a while. My back is protesting a little, so I think a hot cup of coffee is in order. As I made my coffee, I happened to glance at my indoor/outdoor thermometer, it showed it to be 48F out side. I had actually felt it was warmer as I was busy digging over another one of the raised beds in the vegetable garden, but who wouldn't feel warm, as they pushed a spade or fork into the garden, lifting and turning the soil over, then raking it smooth?