Kia hora te manno
Kia whakapapa paumamu te moana
Kia tere te Karohirohi

May the calm be widespread
May the sea glisten like the greenstone
And may the glimmer of summer dance across your pathways

Sunday, July 11, 2010


A blessed cooling fog is blanketing us this morning. A little relief from the heat is feeling very nice indeed. The plants will enjoy a little relief too, I am sure.


Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

What a great shot, Jennifer! Pure magic! I enjoy this cool morning too. I hope it is not that type of a fog after which the plants get sick. I remember my Mom told me about it. I never could find an explanation to that phenomenon.

Sue Swift said...

Oh, envy, envy. here we've got temperatures of 35°C and humidity up to 90% at night. I's love a nice cooling fog !

Gail Wilson said...

That's a very pretty Photo Jenn. We are getting a lot of heat here in Montana so I am enjoying the cool air early in the mornings. Gail

meemsnyc said...

That looks like a nice cooling fog indeed!

Peggy said...

Hi KeeWee,we have torrential cooling rain for the past couple of days!
You were very lucky to pick up the watering system suitable for your problem area.Great photo!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Wasn't that fog pretty? I love the picture you took. It turned out to be a beautiful day and the plants look much less wilted than they have the last 4 or 5 days.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

I like your photo! I'm glad your getting some cooler temps.

Laura said...

That looks nice! I could lay in the field for a while & soak up the cool :)

Rainy Day Gardener said...

Great pic! We enjoyed a cool morning down here along the Columbia low fog, but it felt like a marine layer was overhead. It was delightful :)

ryan said...

We have too much fog down in the Bay Area this summer, but you're right the fog does cool things down nicely. Our tomatoes don't like it, but all of our ornamentals seem happy about it.