Yes indeed the weather was so beautiful over the weekend, that I went outside and started in on cleaning up the gardens and planting a few cool weather flowers.
These pots all hold hostas and ferns but look so sad and bare until the hostas and ferns start to make an appearance. I like to plant primroses and pansies in them to provide a splash of color as you come up to our front door.
The front garden was such a mess until I trimmed away all the dead foliage, cut back the ferns and picked up all the fallen twigs and small branches which came down during our last wind storm.
Now that the garden has been tidied up, you can see a lot of new growth making an appearance.
The veggie garden also got some attention, but there is still lots to do before the planting season begins.
A friend gave me two lovely blueberry bushes I had to find a home for. I decided to plant them on the outside of the veggie garden fence, and took the precaution of surrounding them using a PVC frame, usually used to cover one of the raised beds, then the whole thing surrounded with a heavy bird netting. All this to keep the rabbits from digging around the roots until the bushes are fully established in their new home.