The fragrance from the lilies, is so sweet and delightful, as you walk up the driveway to the front door.

The two tomato plants are now five feet tall, and still growing taller. I have a yellow pear, which I discovered last year, on one side of the pot, and Super sweet 100 on the other.
Both of these tomatoes are super sweet and are abundant producers of small succulent fruits.

Super sweet cherry tomato, well on the way to giving us tomatoes for our salads, or to just to pop in the mouth and enjoy the taste. There is nothing I like better, than the taste of a sun warmed tomato. picked and eaten straight from the plant.

As much as I like the pink Hydrangea, I will change the soil PH so the blooms will be blue in the future.

There is a show of color from the red gladioli in the front garden. This will be the third year for blooms from the red Glads.

This yellow Gladioli is new to the garden, and now I know I can leave glads in over the winter months, I plan on planting many more.

I experimented with growing Cosmos in pots and they are doing extremely well. I do have chicken wire around the pot so the rabbits don't make a meal out of the plants.